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What Breakfast Trends Will Look Like In Five Years?


What Breakfast Trends Will Look Like In Five Years?

Breakfast Trends in Five Years

Breakfast trends in five years: What will people want to see in the future? A little survey on how breakfast trends are changing over time. When this question was asked to people from different fields, let's see what was the answer

What breakfast trends will look like in five years?

Jake Shipley, Content Marketing Director for South Beach Blog

It looks like people have gotten to their point where they don't need to feel rushed in the morning. Many people now feel like they can start their day earlier and feel good about it. Personally, I have been searching for the breakfast that keeps me full longer and is delicious at every hour of the day. I've tried a variety of different options. 

Some things I've tried to include protein pancakes, chicken and waffles, baked potato eggs benefit, and my current favorite, quinoa bowl with avocado toast. This year, I think that food trends that are currently trending will continue to trend. Quinoa bowls and grain bowls with healthy toppings such as fresh fruit will continue to grow. 

I also predict that breakfast meals with avocados will continue to trend. Whether it's mashed into avocado toast, baked into waffles or topped with your choice of toppings. I think that as more people find themselves with healthy appetites and taste buds, they start to look for their best breakfast options to satisfy them, and quinoa bowl is a fantastic option.

Breakfast Trends in Five Years: What are you looking forward to in the future?

Lindsey Harren, Content Marketing Manager for South Beach Blog

First and foremost, I think that I look forward to seeing how the dairy industry changes from our present to our future. Because milk prices have not been so great, there has been some hesitation from consumers. We are seeing that come back into our milk in the form of dairy alternatives. 

The second trend I am looking forward to is hearing more discussion about gluten-free. For me, gluten-free has been a huge challenge, but I am looking forward to more discussion and acknowledgment of the fact that gluten sensitivity can impact people differently. 

As with the dairy industry, it has been a very difficult area to navigate, and I would hope that more people start looking into gluten-free alternatives that they can enjoy.

Breakfast Trends in Five Years: What are your favorite foods and trends from the future that are sticking around?

Sarah Kronfeld, Manager of Social Media at California Milk Marketing Board

My favorite trends to see stick around are breakfast cereal and protein bars. I have been trying a variety of cereal options over the past five years, and one of my favorite options has been a new cereal from General Mills called Lucky Mix. 

This cereal has great taste and texture with a hint of nut flavor. I like that it is an oatmeal option with a hint of chocolate taste. There are several other brands that are also serving a gluten-free cereal. I think that the protein bar trend has been prevalent for a while now. It seems like a lot of brands are adding new ingredients to their protein bars that are different from the nutrition facts. 

I've been eating protein bars from GNC and The Body Shop for a while now. I feel like the new trends will continue to look for new and exciting options for protein bars with little or no sugar or calories.

Breakfast Trends in Five Years: What would you like to see our audience look forward to in the future?

Danielle Stevens, Content Marketing Manager for Southwest Dairy Association

I would like to see breakfast in general be more approachable. I know for some people this can be challenging, but it can be. I would like for people to eat breakfast when they are hungry, instead of thinking that it's alright to eat something else at that time. 

I also would like to see breakfast get more attention in the media. I would like people to be more aware of the health benefits of breakfast. I would like people to understand that breakfast can be a great time to introduce vegetables into their diet. For me, a favorite breakfast item to eat is toast with bacon. I also love eggs and toast.

 I know that there are different options of toast, but I think the texture of toast would be the best for me. I love to eat toast and not want to stop after a few bites. I think toast is a great healthy option. I'm also looking forward to eating quinoa again. I love quinoa. If quinoa could be a viable option for breakfast, I would be one happy person.

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