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Obesity Rate In The USA 2022 And Its Causes


Obesity Rate In The USA 2022 And Its Causes

 Obesity Rate In The USA 2022 And Its Causes

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Obesity rate in USA 2022 and its causes: Obesity is closely linked to high levels of calorie intake and sedentary lifestyle, for which sedentary behavior cannot be ignored, since the obesity problem is now very well known and generally accepted by the health system and the public. Non-avoidable behaviors like binge-drinking, sedentary lifestyle, watching television shows or videos, eating fast foods and fatty snacks, and few sedentary occupations are known as the primary causes for obesity in the USA. 

The obesity rates were highest in the Western States, in Alaska, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Minnesota, Colorado, California and the District of Columbia. Obesity was lowest in Hawaii, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. However, obesity rates in Hawaii and Illinois increased significantly in the last year, especially among women. 

Among men, obesity rates were not significantly higher in Hawaii or Illinois. Compared to low calorie intake, the majority of diets based on high fat, high carbohydrate diet was less efficient in reducing excess weight, but it might contain few or no dietary restrictions on the components of the diet, as well as unlimited quantities of food. It was obvious that obesity was not easily prevented by dieting or medications, since obesity was defined based on overweight or obese subjects, most of whom consume a healthy diet. 

In spite of the fact that fat was considered as a bad thing in earlier times, now it is commonly accepted that fat is necessary for all body functions and functions such as fat burning or burning of unwanted fat is more likely when fat is consumed in the appropriate portions, which may explain the reason for the increased obesity rates. Non-persistent obesity is not uncommon because it is mainly caused by changes in body composition due to several factors, most importantly: changes in the dietary habits, dieting, physical activity level, stress and the use of medications for treating obesity. Non-persistent obesity is a serious concern for health professionals, and they usually recommend drug therapy to patients who are overweight or obese and whose weight is non-negligible. Obesity was already the main cause of death in both sexes in the USA. 

It was a leading cause of morbidity and decreased life expectancy. However, because of changes in lifestyle, diet and food consumption patterns, as well as obesity treatment regimens, obesity now has become the major cause of morbidity and mortality. Americans were consuming excessively fat-rich food from 1960 until 2000. The most significant change in lifestyle of the Americans happened in the early 2000s, when people switched from an excessive fat diet to an unhealthy diet rich in processed foods with a lot of added fat and sugar. 

There were fewer physical activities, more obesity, non-persistent obesity and people went to fast food in the years 1994-1995, and this mortality rate was expected to increase in the future.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Illinois, USA. “Prevalence of Obesity in Men and Women, 1990-1999”.

How could the epidemic of obesity in the USA lead to a disaster of obesity? First, there is the problem of the health system. Obesity had been a major cause of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and it was observed that the health system could not cope with the additional burden on it.

In 2007, the CDC launched its “Depression Risk in the U.S. Adult Population” and found a lot of people with diabetes, cancer, hypertension and depression. There was no other explanation than obesity for these illnesses. If the average person in the USA has obesity of 30 % or more, the risk of serious health problems is four times higher than that of the average person with normal weight, and the risk of dying from cancer was three times higher. In 1999, obesity and diabetes were the two major causes of morbidity and mortality, and there was not a single medication that was effective in treating them. 

Only nine medicines were effective in treating obesity, and the median duration of treatment was eight months. Besides, the health system was treating patients in the emergency room, whereas health professionals could recommend much more effective treatments, including a diet that is low in fat, carbohydrates and red and processed meat.

The problems are even worse when the health system was overburdened with patients who are overweight, obese or non-persistent obesity. The health system could not cope with the increased burden, and many people died because of the non-compliance to the recommended diets. The problems are particularly evident in the cases of non-persistent obesity. 

For example, more than one-third of overweight patients with hypertension die. Many people with severe hypertension are not treated with medications, and they have a significant mortality rate even in cases when their hypertension does not exceed the usual recommended levels. Another problem was the inadequate fat intake of obese patients. In 2002, 52% of obese patients had low cholesterol, but 23% of them had low HDL cholesterol.

Not only this, but it was found that people with normal weight who had two or more risk factors for heart diseases were also at a higher risk of having diabetes and obesity in the future.

The consequences were catastrophic. Diabetes increased the mortality rate by 50% and the cost of treating diabetes in the U.S. alone was more than $82 billion in 2001. The health system collapsed, people were dying because of non-compliance to medical recommendations.

Source: Accessed from: “Effects of Diabetes and Obesity on Adults With Diabetes and Without Any Major Heart Disease Complications”.

How should the obesity may lead to other types of diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, fatty liver diseases, or a variety of other lifestyle related diseases. Obesity may also lead to obesity-related diseases that occur in people who are relatively physically active, such as high blood pressure and metabolic disorders. 

Most of the obese population was overweight at the beginning of the epidemic, so the epidemic could affect a significant portion of the population that is physically active and normal weight, not accounting for those with more serious weight problems. The obesity rate was equal in men and women, which would have been strange, if obesity were only a problem of women, who are mostly physically active. 

What is happening in the USA is similar to the current obesity epidemic in other countries that are most affected by obesity, such as Japan, China, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Italy and several others. Obesity is basically a lifestyle problem, with sedentary living as a prime factor. It is clear that the US healthcare system failed to respond in time to a disease that was mainly caused by the habits of a large portion of the population, mainly people who are overweight.

The crisis also caused the onset of the obesity epidemic to go unnoticed by the public, but those who were affected by it in a more serious way were doctors. Doctors often see the symptoms and start treating these patients to gain their confidence and convince them to follow the prescribed diets. They made incorrect diagnoses, which resulted in treating obesity to many patients who are not overweight at all. The doctors failed to see the danger and, in their ignorance, caused the mortality of many patients.

According to these doctors, obesity is very important and should be treated. Many doctors saw obesity as an inevitable, chronic disease. Those patients who were considered overweight, even if they were relatively physically active, were also treated in the same way. Therefore, patients with obesity were frequently misdiagnosed, resulting in the underestimation of obesity-related problems. 

Many doctors made this mistake because they did not recognize obesity as a chronic disease. Since obesity is treated as a chronic disease, doctors do not ask about any family history or family health histories. Sometimes, when the patients were seen by different physicians, they are misdiagnosed.

 Many people who were not diagnosed and seen by different doctors developed other, non-obesity related diseases, including obesity. Since obesity and metabolic disorders are not recognized as diseases, physicians use traditional medicine to treat obesity and metabolic disorders. They usually prescribe medications, which treat obesity, but they also treat other metabolic disorders.

According to conventional medicine, obesity is the result of fat storing and excess body fat. While fat storing is the ultimate cause of obesity, there are other factors involved, such as metabolism, genetics, nutrition, hormones, psychological disorders, certain types of foods, particularly fatty acids, physical activity, and lack of physical activity.

 The conventional doctor considered obesity a symptom of a metabolic disorder, and those who were physically active but were not obese, were considered to be healthy. 

Doctors were heavily criticized because they often make risky decisions, and did not realize that some of those decisions resulted in the death of their patients. The doctors often do not ask the patients who are morbidly obese or those who are overweight about their health status.


The Obesity rate in the USA is 35.7%, which is higher than the average rate in the other countries. We need to pay attention to obesity and its causes.

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