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Signs And Symptoms Of Autism


Signs And Symptoms Of Autism

Signs and Symptoms of Autism

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Autism is diagnosed by examining a child's development and seeing if there are any behavioral problems that are expected as he or she grows. Such signs and symptoms of autism can be found in early


Symptoms include:

Communication difficulties – Speech is unclear and difficult to understand.

Irritability, frustration, rage, and aggression.

Grief, depression, suicidal thoughts and actions, and emotional insecurity.

Persistent physical problems.

Early signs – Some children may exhibit three or more signs and symptoms before their first birthday.

No specific test exists to diagnose autism. Diagnosing autism depends on the child's physical health and signs and symptoms that are noted by the child's parents and/or caregivers.

Studies show that the earliest signs of autism may appear when children are only three to six months old. There are certain behavioral problems that are more likely to be associated with autism.


Women and their children are more likely to develop autism than men.

When the mother has a history of chronic illness and drugs – and the father doesn't – autism may be more likely.

Health conditions, such as obesity and heart disease, have been found to increase the likelihood of a child developing autism.

Parents with a mental disorder (including depression and schizophrenia) are also more likely to have a child who develops autism.

Factors affecting children with autism

Studies have shown that there are several factors that increase the likelihood of a child developing autism. They include:

Genetic causes. Most children with autism have a genetic predisposition.

Children who are exposed to certain chemicals, radiation, and to a growing number of environmental chemicals during pregnancy.

Children with a sibling with autism have a 50% chance of developing autism.

Children with autism have a 50% chance of having a sibling who also has autism.

Evidence-based treatments

There is no known cure for autism, but there are a number of autism treatments that are proven effective in reducing the severity of symptoms. There are also several proven treatments that may help alleviate some of the symptoms, including:

Medication. Many medications, such as oxytocin and fluoxetine (brand name Prozac), are proven effective for reducing anxiety and depression.

Physical therapy. Physical therapy can also be an effective way to improve functional ability in those with autism.

Behavior therapy.

Chronic stress. Stress has been linked to a wide range of behaviors and symptoms of autism.


Treating autism does not make a child's disorder go away. ASD is a lifelong condition. Doctors do not recommend adding more stress to the child.

If the disorder is severe and the child is experiencing violent or abusive behavior, a doctor would likely recommend a mental health professional.

For parents with an autistic child, learning that a mental health professional is available should not cause stress. Many mental health professionals have seen children with autism and have ideas and experience to offer.

A mental health professional can serve as a good resource for information about autism and a good source of possible mental health treatment for autism-related issues.

If a mental health professional suggests counseling, taking antidepressant medications, or participating in psychotherapy – it is important that the child's parents find this appropriate and important treatment. Many mental health professionals have expertise in mental health and autism.

Discuss this important topic with a mental health professional in your area.

Recognize and deal with the stress of autism

Autism can cause stress in the families of children who are diagnosed. As a family's ability to cope with stress decreases, so does the ability of the child to cope. It is important for families with an autistic child to have an understanding of how autism affects the children and their families.

It is essential for families to support each other, provide support and safety for the child, and overcome stress in the relationship.

For those with children who are struggling, it may be helpful to discuss options with a mental health professional or a social worker, who can help reduce stress in the family.

Many families find that support groups or other services are beneficial in coping with the stress of autism. Support groups for families and individuals with autism also help reduce stress and build support for each other.

Communicating with children with autism

Children with autism are often very good at communicating what they need. If a child is frustrated and does not want to participate in a particular activity, parents can ask the child to sit and talk with the parent.


 Autism has always been a mystery for many, and even more so for those who live with it on a day-to-day basis. This blog post aims to shed some light on this disability, and how it affects people on a daily basis. Hopefully this will help readers in the process of hiring people who are of or are affected by autism.

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